The Power of Saying Hi or Hello To All

”Connecting the people” is one of the reasons why I'm having a cafe business.
It is so easy and can be a starter to connecting people from just say "hello"

The meaning of “SAY Hi or Hello” is to….

-Open your heart.

There's surprising power to say ‘’hi or hello’’. Behavioral research demonstrates that little things make a big difference when it comes to social interaction.
Data indicate, for example, that smiling is contagious.
That employees who smile more tend to have customers who are more satisfied.

In your place.
You feel comfortable because you know a lot of things.

but, how about other's feelings?
Do not make them feel alone. Open your heart and welcome the people always with bright smiles.

-You are here and someone is there, so accept each other.

When you meet new people you might feel a little nervous or scared because you don’t know them. How about them? The feeling might be similar to you!

You don’t need to wait when they open their heart to you.
We provide products and services for them; we should initiate and bridge the gap.

Remember you cant’ change anyone,
you can only influence them, and most importantly you can change just YOU!

−Life is too short,

try always to be a good human being and remind yourself to be kind.

Simple things can be difficult sometimes but never give up.
Your mind should be growing, do stop to improve!
So try, every day is a learning process.
Smile every day, SMILE more, and make it contagious!

ユーチュブでも活動中! img_7161

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