‘’BACK TO THE ROOTS’’ AYO AYO CAFE –Beyond Customer Satisfaction

When you talk about AyoAyo café you will say that this blog talks about what AyoAyo cafe crew creates and the feeling of customers every day.

Customer say AYO AYO is Maayu Kaayu.
To be honest, me and my crew need more time to make them satisfied, we strive each and every day to exceed customer expectation.

I wrote why I started the cafe business in Cebu in CDN LIFE!
The year 2013, I was an English student in the Philippines; of course with a huge language barrier around me and it gives me a hard time doing things every day.
Can you imagine being a stranger to everyone in a new place, away from your friends and family, and especially I use to be shy, and I’m’ hesitant to initiate conversation? Going to the restaurant is like a big event in a day and push me down feeling the pressure.

For example, the waitress doesn't know how to take orders from customer, sometimes some staff doesn’t really completely understand what I want because in the first place their menu doesn’t’ have complete information and when you start to ask them they barely know nothing about what the service, in my opinion, it is not designed for the customer ...it is crazy, you can already feel how disappointing it is for me.

Another thing is sanitation, this is quite an issue in many restaurants, additionally, I need to ask more and more favor about service water, additional dishes or if I can have Spoon and fork.

In the end, I realize even basic customer service is not working well here.

You might be laughing to read about this, you might think I am just another foreigner who comes to foreign countries only to criticize what local business could offer, but it is not a joke!
It is real or this is what I actually experienced in so many places and sadly it seems to be considered the standard, which is acceptable to many, but in my opinion, this is not how it is supposed to be.

At first not being so judgmental I consider culture difference between this Country and Japan can be one factor, however, people I connected with, locals alike say that what I found out is not true, bad vibes, low customer service, misconduct, and sanitation issues is not Filipino culture. Filipinos use to have very high-quality customer service. This is good news!

But why people forgot what they do before, the manners, sharing a small, doing extra kindness to customers?
Is it because of CORONAVIRUS? Oh Yeah! This is the trendiest word this year USED for EXCUSE but how connected is it with your customer service?

Okay! You might just forget it, or could be other factors and what not’s.
Let's remember together what is the basic customer service.

-Just to be Maayo Kaayo.

Speak honestly.
Filipinos have a great national character, which is one of the reasons I have lived in this city for seven years.
Your hospitality is amazingly beautiful and it fits well with the restaurant business where the staff has to connect with customers to give them what they need, good food, good vibes, and excellent service, which is considered to be so FILIPINO in the past.

I have a lot of language learning companions, and they say the Philippines is the best environment.
No one wants to laugh at your ignorance, they try hard to understand.

So why is the restaurant service not working properly?

Naturally, there may be a problem on the restaurant management side as well.
Many staff may not be hired properly or not trained well enough.

But don't worry.

Those who do not always make the right efforts cannot survive the era of this coronavirus.
You need to do a lot and more effort to achieve the perfect standard. It is the era of people who can change your standard.

This mantra ‘’Maayo Kaayo’’ is what you want to be, you are not the one who always aspires to be someone who chooses the easy way and puts the problem off.

Some time ago, the people of the time worked very well.
In the IT era, it made me feel that simple labor is worthless. Is it true?
Important things do not change easily.

You cannot be a worker who wants to talk about yourself and say how important I am.
It's your own understanding that how many tasks you did in a day and how much time you spend for it doesn't really matter if the result is shitty.

Business is a number and it is so fearful.
Your value and effort will be valued by profit.

You don't always come to work with your family or your problems and bring them to work to share your negative VIBES with other employees.

You are not ignorant of the minimum etiquette and work skills.

I know you can be a punctual person.
Because you always show up at snack time.

Why do you want to stay there?

It's time to wake up.
We are required to change.
Because we learned it from the coronavirus.

Just to be Maayo Kaayo.
Let's go back to your roots.

AYO AYO CAFE  is us!

not I not you but WE!
Kita Maayo Kaayo!


ユーチュブでも活動中! img_7161

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