This is the AYOAYO way of thinking, accepting change because we are made for it!
We welcome all changes to improve ourselves.
Don't’ you want to change anything?
Because you are so comfortable where you are standing now?
Well! I respect what you want to be or where you wanted to be,
Yeah! I agree it is so easy to say, ‘’I wanted to change’’
But in reality, it is so hard especially when you mean changes to some of your attitude, it needs a lot of hassle and you can face challenges, because your attitude is your settled way of thinking and or feelings.
I also don’t want to move out of my comfort zone sometimes.
But at this time, I wanted to face the mirror and talk to myself like this.
‘’Today you are the youngest man, you will never be young again for the rest of your life. Being pure-minded and to accept all differences, is a special power for young ages.
I saw many old people who have strong pride or ego, lacking skill or a good attitude.
This kind of person is everywhere; especially you can even spot them easily on Facebook. Looks like they already give up their real-life and enjoy another life to gain attention online.

Do you want to be like that?
I’m not.
-People have the same mind which is to think like this, “I want to be special or different”
When you feel it is so hard or KAPOI (Tired) probably, other people might feel the same.
Do you want to be like them??
-Because I am not.
What do you want to be?
Just follow what you think for, trust you inner self, your instincts and your intuition, then your good to go from inside out!
Embrace change positively, its’ an awesome chance!
Take it as an opportunity!
Ayo Ayo!